No matter how spectacular you think your document is, regardless of how many times you’ve gone over it, there will always be flaws you haven’t noticed. It’s not because you’re a poor writer – it’s because of something called “typo blindness,” and Nick Stockton over at Wired explained it best in his post: What’s Up With That: Why It’s So Hard to Catch Your Own Typos.
Basically, you’re unable to see your own mistakes because you’re already aware of the message that you’re trying to convey. This is why you need a second set of eyes (hopefully it’s from someone like me) to look over your content and correct the errors and mistakes that you’ve gone blind to.
You can, but as mentioned above, you may be blind to your own errors. I’ll help you catch the mistakes you might have overlooked. These are four of the most common proofreading pitfalls.